Wednesday, July 22


Yesterday afternoon, Andrew and I headed to one of my favorite places in the world: Camp Pyoca! My family has a long history with the camp because my parents have been running Orchard Park's week of camp there for fifteen years! My siblings and i have all been campers and then counselors. And my little sister is spending the whole summer working as a couselor there. So obviously, it was important to me that Andrew saw this part of my life. He walked into a lot of history, handled it well, and seemed to like it, even if he wasn't sure what to think about everything. The thing that made me the happiest? On our way home, he said that "He hoped when we were my parent's age that we have something like camp that we enjoy doing together everyday." I'm so glad that he could see how important camp is to me and my family!

And on a side note, i was talking to the director of the camp while i was there and he seemed appalled that i couldn't tell him the exact number of days until our wedding. Seriously? I'm supposed to be that focused on this? I know that a lot of people are into their wedding day countdowns, but i know that i'll get everything done and i'm not worried about it. I figure i'd rather enjoy my time now instead of counting down every day as "just one day closer to my wedding day." Don't get me wrong, i'm really excited to marry Andrew and i'm sure it'll be a fabulous day, but it's not the only thing i'm focused on.

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