Tuesday, December 22

We spend January 1st walking through our lives, room by room, drawing up a list of work to be done, cracks to be patched. Maybe this year, to balance the list, we ought to walk through the rooms of our lives...not looking for flaws, but for potential. -Ellen Goodman

In the spirit of the above quote, my opportunities to explore my potential this year include:

1. Read (and record and reflect on the books i read)
2. Read the Bible. That's right. The WHOLE thing. (Inspired by this guy who read the Bible a number of times through for a book he was writing, even though he's agnostic. If he can make it through multiple times, i should be able to make it through once this year.)
3. Write letters. I became a pen pal when i was in college and have continued to do it over the years though the people i'm writing to changes. It's amazing how much it changes your perspective to sit down and actually write out what you're thinking to someone you care about. While it's hard for me to take the time to do it each week, writing a letter always puts things in perspective for me.
4. Spend ten minutes a day moving my body. I'll be the first to admit that i'm absolutely horrible at sticking to a workout routine. I know that i feel so much better when i do work out, but i have a hard time actually doing it consistently. So instead of giving myself lots of specifics, this year i've decided to commit to ten minutes a day. If that happens to turn into more than ten minutes, that's wonderful, but i know that that's a time commitment i can keep.
5. Commit to following my bliss, meaning that i'm going to stop doing things because i feel like i should but because i want to.

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